All credits goes to Einheit who found the map in I think 2k4 and ported it in and have done all the work. The placement of items and spawns are mainly ideas from myself with some added thoughts from Einheit who have done a great work. We both feels this map is ready for testing and hope to get in thoughts to improve it.
Overview of the map and placements:

Dead End Point
Level Overview

Screenshot from point

This point has the feeling of becoming a very gimmicky point which will take it's player to play really well, but the dynamics are interesting and it's partly a brute force point more towards points like Campgrounds Statues or Oldens mid.
Estrade Point
Level Overview

Screenshot from point

This with the Fan point will most likely have some kind of floater between them with the Amplifier being around this point and keg between this and Fan point. It has a special ledge where it's not possible to dodge back and fourth. So if you want to collect items from this point you have to drop from it and could have a little harder time to retake it since it requires a dodge where it's possible to be stopped.
Fan Point
Level Overview

Screenshot from point

This point has the belt as seen in the screenshot, the two way teleporter a few dodges down below belt will take you to keg also. So this point has a good chance of controlling two of the major power ups. It's even possible to control all three from this point, making it important to have your best player on this point. It's even possible that this point will host two players which control the point and the power ups.
Two screenshots from the middle of the map:

We will try and get this up on the servers as soon as possible so it can be tried.
Give your feedback and thoughts here when you have tried the map.