Hello all friends, very good work and effort on the new stats, it is brilliant, almost perfect. It just has a few minor blemishes that can be altered to make it truly perfect if some agree with me on this.
1) The old stats had the names vertically, but the new stats have it horizontally, and it cant fit in the box without making it looked cramped, so the end result is a bunch of jibberish letters, and you cannot tell the names, unless you hover your mouse over the name.

2) This second problem isnt more of a problem just an alternative solution, the old stats had a red down arrow when you lost rank, and it was easier to see, and a green for positive rank and they both made sense. The new stats the down rank color is blue, and for people that are color blind or have trouble seeing, they may have to take a closer look to see if they ranked up or down, also blue and green are neutral colors, and it would be reasonable to add red to the down arrow again.

PS. Im not trying to offend anyones work here, just bringing some suggestions.