Casual sniper pugs which were played during the last iCTF and sDOM seasons were fun because laming was not very effective , you had the occasional backshot but that can be fixed by simply having the health packs boost the health up to 100(which was eventually done). From the 2 saCTF pugs I've played recently the only possible options were either to go from some non-amp route and just dodge all the way up to the defenders or go directly from the amp route and get hunted down and chased into the enemy base(even if I haven't picked up the amp).
The gameplay had a better flow pre-amp imo instead of the current situation where you either let the enemy have the amp or you join the lame-fest around the amp spot. A better solution might be having the pups spread out around the map so you have an incentive to use various routes instead of having it all boil down to one spot.