Another example of blatant admin abuse

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Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby atr0city » Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:02 pm

Everyone already knows that pretty much every admin is either a) inactive, and doesn't give a fuck and won't help you out with anything whatsoever. or b) somewhat active, but totally abuses admin on a daily basis.

To cite another example of b). Today I joined an iCTF pug. FlowX goes red captain, it rand capt's dannon vs him which isn't that fair of capts but not a huge deal there as teams could have been made somewhat fair still.

Flowx picks Nick (most blatant cheater of all time) first pick, so he's already guaranteed to win the pug by landslide. Dannon, who doesn't know what he's doing picks me.. and then picks BryanDGM, who in this pug should have been last pick or close to last pick.

So, instead of either leaving us who dannon should have picked (exixt) flowx elects to pick exixt, and then the next best player in the pug after that. When asked by myself, and others to reset the pug as the teams were totally fucked and it would have been a 10-0 blowout waste of time (I even offered to captain) he replys with "teams are fine" when I continue to persist for a reset to fix the pug, he then perma bans me from the channel.

Pretty solid admin right here. Intentionally stacks teams, refuses to reset, and then perma bans me for asking for a reset. (Yes, after he ignored and refused to reset I called him a fucking idiot or something along those lines, trying to avoid a massive waste of time for everyone not even close to anything that warrants a ban)

This is not the first time flowX, and others have done stuff like this.

A select few admins are good, and admin the channel properly but for the most part the rest of the admins don't take it seriously at all and abuse their admin power constantly. This has been an ongoing problem for a long time, and I wanted to post about it because I know many others have been complaining about the admins lack of responsibility for a long time.

Given that Owned Well is trying to move into a more professional direction, the admin list is really something that really needs to be looked at and re-vamped with legit people who care and would use their admin power in the correct way.
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby massie » Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:17 pm

agreed with ryan

flowx also plays lame as fuck but bans other ppl for doing it
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Darkside » Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:42 pm

today i'm playing sdom and out of the blue my teammate larmor (playing vs scream - solo point) goes on a rant about scream messaging him mid map for his demo. like, i've pretty much never heard larmor get so upset about anything in my life. He continues to rant and rq's from server. autopause.... and then resulting irc shitshow.

While I have no idea why this frustrated larmor so much and I don't agree that he should have left the server, admin Scream should not be requesting pug demos from players mid map....especially not larmor?
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby kud » Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:56 pm

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby blackout\\ » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:10 pm

Dug up logs thanks to PC on 24/7.

11:45am (@LBot) ø The ictf pug has been filled. Type .captain to become a captain. Random captains in 30 seconds. ø
11:46am (+crux) .last
11:46am (@LBot) ø [shockDOM] ø Red Team: ramdrop csnafk NakedMan snakeware ø Blue Team: Cro Sauron[6-0] Jinn garegast ø 54mins 48secs ago ø
11:46am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 15 seconds. ø
11:46am (+Bryandigm`) .vote ryan\
11:46am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 5 seconds. ø
11:46am [Join] UK|Snitch (ircbot5682@E44C329C.C3A5EDBF.FE92CB9C.IP) has joined #ipug
11:46am (@LBot) ø FrenchEmpire is captain for the Red Team. ø
11:46am (@LBot) ø danon3^ is captain for the Blue Team. ø
11:46am (@LBot) ø Captains have been picked. FrenchEmpire picks first. Captains type .here to prevent getting kicked. ø
11:46am (@flowX) .reset
11:46am (@LBot) ø Pug has been reset. Type .captain to become a captain. Random captains in 30 seconds. ø
11:46am (+Bryandigm`) .vote flowX
11:46am (@flowX) .captain
11:46am (@LBot) ø flowX is captain for the Red Team. ø
11:46am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 15 seconds. ø
11:46am (+Bryandigm`) .vote ryan\
11:46am (+exixt) vote doesn't work
11:46am (+exixt) never has
11:46am (+NICK) .vote ryan\
11:46am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 5 seconds. ø
11:46am (@flowX) stil fun^^
11:46am [Join] UK|Snitch|alt (ircbot1801@5B7DC3CF.BC441AEB.B3C6C967.IP) has joined #ipug
11:46am (@LBot) ø danon3^ is captain for the Blue Team. ø
11:46am (@LBot) ø Captains have been picked. flowX picks first. Captains type .here to prevent getting kicked. ø
11:46am [Join] New ( has joined #ipug
11:46am (+exixt) .vote NICK
11:46am (+exixt) .vote NICK
11:46am (@flowX) good caps
11:46am [Nick] old_but_gold is now known as obg
11:47am (@flowX) .here
11:47am (+NICK) rofl exixt
11:47am (danon3^) .here
11:47am (+NICK) traitor!
11:47am (danon3^) ..
11:47am (@flowX) .list
11:47am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 1) ryan\ 3) otb 5) m1s 6) NICK 7) Bryandigm` 8) exixt 9) DEATH[4of4] 10) FrenchEmpire ø
11:47am (+exixt) ;D
11:47am (@flowX) otb is?
11:47am [Join] B1O``` ( has joined #ipug
11:47am (+exixt) I want it that way ~
11:47am [Quit] New ( has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected)
11:47am (+exixt) I want it that way ~
11:47am (+exixt) I want it that way ~
11:47am (@flowX) otb is?
11:47am (+exixt) massive
11:47am (+Bryandigm`) massie
11:47am (@flowX) .pick NICK
11:47am (@LBot) ø danon3^ now picks ø
11:47am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX NICK ø
11:47am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: danon3^ ø
11:47am (@flowX) no
11:47am [Join] New ( has joined #ipug
11:47am (@flowX) otb is american?
11:47am (+exixt) oh that was obg
11:47am (danon3^) .p 1
11:47am (@LBot) ø danon3^ now picks ø
11:47am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX NICK ø
11:47am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: danon3^ ryan\ ø
11:47am (+exixt) yeah
11:47am (+exixt) fuck those names
11:47am (danon3^) .p 7
11:47am (@LBot) ø flowX now picks ø
11:47am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX NICK ø
11:47am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: danon3^ ryan\ Bryandigm` ø
11:47am (+NICK) why alias
11:47am (@flowX) .here
11:47am [Quit] New ( has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:47am (+ryan\) what..
11:47am (+Bryandigm`) wtf
11:47am (+ryan\) reset
11:47am (+NICK) .ls
11:47am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 3) otb 5) m1s 8) exixt 9) DEATH[4of4] 10) FrenchEmpire ø
11:47am (+ryan\) ill capt
11:48am (danon3^) -.- ?
11:48am (@flowX) .pick 8
11:48am (@LBot) ø flowX now picks ø
11:48am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX NICK exixt ø
11:48am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: danon3^ ryan\ Bryandigm` ø
11:48am (@flowX) .here
11:48am (danon3^) oh
11:48am (+Bryandigm`) should of picked massie
11:48am (danon3^) no is brian
11:48am (+ryan\) reset...........
11:48am (danon3^) is bryan
11:48am (danon3^) xDDD
11:48am (+NICK) .ls
11:48am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 3) otb 5) m1s 9) DEATH[4of4] 10) FrenchEmpire ø
11:48am (danon3^) SRY
11:48am (+exixt) no
11:48am (+exixt) bryan is bryan
11:48am (+ryan\) bryan is last pick here and we picked him 2nd
11:48am (+exixt) brian\\ is brian
11:48am (+exixt) LOL
11:48am (+exixt) :D
11:48am (@flowX) otb = Silence[T1Crew]
11:48am (danon3^) SRY
11:48am (+ryan\) stop admin abusing and reset
11:48am (@flowX) .list
11:48am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 3) otb 5) m1s 9) DEATH[4of4] 10) FrenchEmpire ø
11:48am (danon3^) SRY
11:48am (+ryan\) stop admin abusing and reset
11:48am (+NICK) 10 or nine
11:48am (@flowX) .pick 9
11:48am (@LBot) ø danon3^ now picks ø
11:48am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX NICK exixt DEATH[4of4] ø
11:48am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: danon3^ ryan\ Bryandigm` ø
11:48am (danon3^) .RESET
11:48am (@flowX) teams are fine
11:48am (+exixt) LOL
11:48am (+ryan\) fucking reset u stupid fuck
11:48am (danon3^) .reset
11:48am (@flowX) danone better than me lately
11:48am (m1s) jk
11:48am (+Bryandigm`) ok get otb
11:48am [Mode] flowX sets mode: +b *!*
11:48am [Kick] ryan\'s ass was kicked by flowX (ryan\)
11:48am (@LBot) ø Pug stopped because ryan\ quit. ø
11:48am [Mode] ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*
11:48am (+Bryandigm`) rofl
11:49am (@flowX) like 10th time he insulted me in 5 days
11:49am (+NICK) confirmed
11:49am (@flowX) enough thx
11:49am (%DEATH[4of4]) ...
11:49am (m1s) dude
11:49am (@flowX) .p ictf
11:49am -LBot:#ipug- ø Only 1 more needed for the ictf pug! ø
11:49am (m1s) ok fine
11:49am (@flowX) so tired of this behavour
11:49am (danon3^) flowX ..
11:49am (m1s) unban him and maybe he will stop
11:49am (danon3^) why no reset ?
11:49am (+Bryandigm`) ????????
11:49am (otb) lol
11:49am (%DEATH[4of4]) no freedom of speech?
11:49am (m1s) otherwise he'll keep doing it when he gets back anyway
11:49am (@flowX) we talked 3 times about it with ryan
11:49am (+Jinn) .j ictf
11:49am (Cro) .j ictf
11:49am (@LBot) ø The ictf pug has been filled. Type .captain to become a captain. Random captains in 30 seconds. ø
11:49am (@flowX) freedom of speech?
11:49am (@flowX) insulting people?
11:49am (@flowX) lol
11:49am (@flowX) q ip2
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby blackout\\ » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:12 pm

P.S. Old bonus logs of team bias for the win:

8:55am [Join] UK|Snitch|alt (ircbot4349@5B7DC3CF.BC441AEB.B3C6C967.IP) has joined #ipug
8:55am (Ales) .list ictf
8:55am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 1) LowSkillGreg 2) Cromaniac 3) flowX 4) Ales[nocaptbrb] 5) Nitro^ 6) ShadowFax 7) meep_ 8) snakeware 9) DEATH[4of4] 10) dev ø
8:56am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 15 seconds. ø
8:56am (@egaenil`) lva*
8:56am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 5 seconds. ø
8:56am (@LBot) ø DEATH[4of4] is captain for the Red Team. ø
8:56am (@LBot) ø Nitro^ is captain for the Blue Team. ø
8:56am (@LBot) ø Captains have been picked. DEATH[4of4] picks first. Captains type .here to prevent getting kicked. ø
8:56am (@egaenil`) prolly 2
8:56am (@egaenil`) then 3/10/5
8:56am (@egaenil`) dont know 1
8:56am (@egaenil`) but it wont matter as they're afk
8:56am (%DEATH[4of4]) .here
8:57am (@egaenil`) death with the save
8:57am (+snakeware) q us
8:57am (@LBot) ø zp| [=======] [PURE] [INSTAGIB] [US] [=======] by ø [10/13] ø unreal:// [451] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Map: CTF-Mythos ø Red Score: [2] Blue Score: [0] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Red Team: ShadowFax[137] Acn0va[105] k3mikal[78] Front_242[43] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: ~><Ø®ß@G~[KRU][128] LaG|Complete[102] HerrMannelig[87] Homoerectus[82] voices[41] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Spectators: wom_are_idi ø
8:57am (%DEATH[4of4]) .p 3
8:57am (@LBot) ø Nitro^ now picks ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Red Team: DEATH[4of4] flowX ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: Nitro^ ø
8:57am (+snakeware) q uk
8:57am (@LBot) ø zp| [=======] [PURE] [INSTAGIB] [UK] [=======] by ø [12/13] ø unreal:// [451] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Map: CTF-EternalCave ø Red Score: [0] Blue Score: [0] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Red Team: gore-sv[37] OldFart[25] Monica_Levinsky[23] Thyrane[11] ZiLO^[6] BullDog^uk[4] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: AlexZener[36] hosse[23] Little~Pierog[10] Loyal_Servitude[9] BADGIRL[0] ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Spectators: Kalaaleq ø
8:57am (+Nitro^) .ls
8:57am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 1) LowSkillGreg 2) Cromaniac 4) Ales[nocaptbrb] 6) ShadowFax 7) meep_ 8) snakeware 10) dev ø
8:57am (@egaenil`) flow over the sweeps
8:57am (+Nitro^) .p 2
8:57am (@LBot) ø Nitro^ now picks ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Red Team: DEATH[4of4] flowX ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: Nitro^ Cromaniac ø
8:57am (+Nitro^) .p 10
8:57am (@LBot) ø DEATH[4of4] now picks ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Red Team: DEATH[4of4] flowX ø
8:57am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: Nitro^ Cromaniac dev ø
8:57am (@flowX) .list
8:57am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 1) LowSkillGreg 4) Ales[nocaptbrb] 6) ShadowFax 7) meep_ 8) snakeware ø
8:57am (@egaenil`) heavy stack
8:57am (@egaenil`) rip
8:57am [Quit] shots|bbl ( has quit IRC (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - -)
8:57am (@flowX) .reset
8:57am (@LBot) ø Pug has been reset. Type .captain to become a captain. Random captains in 30 seconds. ø
8:57am (@flowX) sorry DEATH[4of4] but that was hardcore stacked^^
8:57am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 15 seconds. ø
8:58am (@flowX) .captain
8:58am (@LBot) ø flowX is captain for the Red Team. ø
8:58am (@LBot) ø Random captains in 5 seconds. ø
8:58am (@LBot) ø dev is captain for the Blue Team. ø
8:58am (@LBot) ø Captains have been picked. flowX picks first. Captains type .here to prevent getting kicked. ø
8:58am (@flowX) .list
8:58am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 1) LowSkillGreg 2) Cromaniac 4) Ales[nocaptbrb] 5) Nitro^ 6) ShadowFax 7) meep_ 8) DEATH[4of4] 10) snakeware ø
8:58am (@flowX) .pick Cromaniac
8:58am (@LBot) ø dev now picks ø
8:58am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX Cromaniac ø
8:58am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: dev ø
8:58am (@flowX) 1 = killer turk btw
8:58am (dev) .p 5
8:58am (@LBot) ø dev now picks ø
8:58am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX Cromaniac ø
8:58am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: dev Nitro^ ø
8:58am (@egaenil`) so it's not 2pac
8:58am (@egaenil`) what a liar
8:58am (dev) .ls
8:58am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 1) LowSkillGreg 4) Ales[nocaptbrb] 6) ShadowFax 7) meep_ 8) DEATH[4of4] 10) snakeware ø
8:58am (@flowX) should proly pick 1
8:58am [Join] Michee07 (u2614051@CAC1193E.2F0105CE.6A9FF8F8.IP) has joined #ipug
8:58am [Quit] Michee07 (u2614051@CAC1193E.2F0105CE.6A9FF8F8.IP) has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
8:58am (LowSkillGreg) no
8:58am (LowSkillGreg) .tag lastpick
8:59am (Ales) make it fair maik
8:59am (dev) i have no idea
8:59am [Join] Leon^ ( has joined #ipug
8:59am (@flowX) ye
8:59am (@flowX) he should pick 1
8:59am (@flowX) .here
8:59am (Ales) 1 or 7
8:59am (dev) .p 1
8:59am (@LBot) ø flowX now picks ø
8:59am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX Cromaniac ø
8:59am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: dev Nitro^ LowSkillGreg ø
8:59am (@flowX) .list
8:59am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 4) Ales[nocaptbrb] 6) ShadowFax 7) meep_ 8) DEATH[4of4] 10) snakeware ø
8:59am (@flowX) i gonna leave u 7 and 8
8:59am (@flowX) .pick 4
8:59am (@LBot) ø flowX now picks ø
8:59am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX Cromaniac Ales ø
8:59am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: dev Nitro^ LowSkillGreg ø
8:59am (@flowX) .pick 6
8:59am (@LBot) ø dev now picks ø
8:59am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX Cromaniac Ales ShadowFax ø
8:59am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: dev Nitro^ LowSkillGreg ø
8:59am (@flowX) .list
8:59am (@LBot) ø iCTF ø [10/10] ø 7) meep_ 8) DEATH[4of4] 10) snakeware ø
8:59am (@flowX) 7(8
9:00am (dev) .p 7
9:00am (@LBot) ø dev now picks ø
9:00am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX Cromaniac Ales ShadowFax ø
9:00am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: dev Nitro^ LowSkillGreg meep_ ø
9:00am (dev) .p 8
9:00am (@LBot) ø Red Team: flowX Cromaniac Ales ShadowFax snakeware ø
9:00am (@LBot) ø Blue Team: dev Nitro^ LowSkillGreg meep_ DEATH[4of4] ø
9:00am (@LBot) ø Picking has finished. ø
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby m3ss » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:22 pm

Didn't you get caught cheating while you were on the admin staff?
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Darkside » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:28 pm

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Hermione » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:46 pm

LOL i get admin abused all the time, used to get it a lot worse back then from some characters, thats why i barely regard them except the 3 true admins.
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby atr0city » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:51 pm

Thanks for posting logs of it blackout.

You'll notice I asked him like 7 times to reset before getting pissed off. I also like how after he perma banned me when he said to you guys "like the 10th time he's insulted me today" that is a 100% lie, I hadn't even talked to flowx at all in over a week. I wasn't even on IRC today before that pug.

Good stuff flowx.
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Sauron » Tue Dec 23, 2014 6:42 pm

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Hinata » Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:02 pm

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Morpheus » Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:46 pm

FlowX's next step: world domination.

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby flowX » Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:04 pm

hello. i may should have checked forums before i unbanned ryan again. that wasnt a perm ban . just a ban i wanted to keep for some hours to let u think about ur actin again?
last week we got a pug where u played 3rd D without any reason for 7 mins and u know u should have been banned for. i didnt ban u and just asked u if u may could stop insulting me or other admins+ players like someone with tourette syndrom..
u didnt and insulted me+many others every time without any reason...

11:48am (+ryan\) fucking reset u stupid fuck

thats what iv banned u for ..and all the other times uv been way more offensive with ur insults.
dunno if thats normal where ur comin from but for me it isnt. and i wont tolerate ur behaivour at all

stop actin like an idiot and whining about the consequences straight after.

instead of whining about the admins u should start to change urself maybe ryan? same for the few haters which make this topic even more useless
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Nick » Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:18 pm

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Junkyardboy » Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:15 am

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby flowX » Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:15 am

revenge ban? how old am i...

like i said. his insults been way more offensive and many times lately. not only against me..

just 4 the info: captains been fair- danone hitting way more than me since months. and pug didnt die since people rejoined.
im known by the most people for always goin for fair teams and judging everyone the same.few biased posts doesnt change that at all.

there isnt anyone else beein that offensive against others in the whole community since im a part of it.
so pls stop trying to make it look anything personal cause ur friends of ryan or just dont like me.

i would even ban my best friends or myself if there is a reason to. nothing personal- not biased.

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Sonic|^ » Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:41 am

When bryan was picked over exixt that pug should have gotten reset.
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby NakedMan » Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:54 am

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby FALLACY » Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:56 am

Sounds like #iPug needs the LOLLACY\\ back to lay the hammer down. This type of stuff never happened when I was an admin. :OWgrinsgasm: :OWfacepalm:
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby JD » Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:16 am

No ban needed for this.

Scream has also asked me for demos in sdom when I solo'd a point vs him. I said no and he threatened to ban me. I was getting questioned as to why I didn't demo when there was 5 minutes left in the pug. So my response was pause the pug and ill start the demo; sorry but im not wasting 10 seconds in sdom to start a demo. I can easily explain why I aim better in sdom and sniper rather then ictf..... Come play siege and see the 2 most used weapons :)

by m3ss » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:22 pm
Didn't you get caught cheating while you were on the admin staff?

NICK you enjoyed that line yet you have been caught cheating yourself :lol: Please start demoing every pug you play NICK, sniper yesterday was very suspicious :)
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Viperzz^ » Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:36 am

Last edited by Viperzz^ on Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Nick » Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:37 am

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby csnafk » Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:04 am

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Hermione » Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:41 am

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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby Hinata » Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:07 am

It means, if an admin insults you, np. The opposite, ban.
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby massie » Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:31 am

getting banned for insulting an admin is downright pathetic doesnt even matter if the insulting is justified or not /ignore if u are sensitive for words
words dont hurt ppl if u cant handle angry ppl dont be an admin
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby snakeware » Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:51 am

i still think all this was an revenge against ryan, well, if its true that flowx doesnt ever stack(even makes teams worst for him), then why he stacked this 1?, well prolly bc he saw ryan team was well fucked up, and also, there is no reason to ban a guy that is insulting you when you can just ignore it and solve the problem
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby JD » Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:32 pm

A ban for insulting admins? what did he really say? NICK i find what you say ironic, past cheaters should make no comments about people who have been caught cheating. What i find suspicious is that you managed 95 head shots in sactf both maps where aiming for the head is very different. No one can manage to do that after their "3rd pug". What else i found funny is that during that pug i had more frags then you on EC2 and you randomly start hitting everything.... You were aiming down high side every time i am coming from there. You are magically "good" at everything because you got a BENQ monitor.
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Re: Another example of blatant admin abuse

Postby HUMPTY » Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:53 pm

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