Hi! Nice-looking site you have in here!
I'm running a Quake Live clan called F-U-N whose idea is to create, test and play new gametypes using the built-in feature that allows you to mess with server settings (and otherwise). Here are some examples:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... LwxhY-6_TE
In case there are people checking these forums who are at all into Quake as well (QL is f2p), I'm in dire need of players if I want to have a chance of testing more modes seeing as most old players are busy with families etc. We used to have weekly meetings (2 hours length) during which we'd chat and play about 3 different modes with whoever was able to make it.
So here's some more info on the clan in case this catches anyone's eye:
http://www.quakelive.com/forum/showthre ... post294229
Feel free to ask any questions here. Yes, we do use Skype for communications which I hope is alright for you... I know some ppl get performance issues from it but it's also the most casual of the various teamspeak options, the one I feel most casual players are likely to already have installed. Lastly, I don't know how easy it is to mod UT99/2k4 themselves and how many custom modes were created for those already but some of my modes might be possible to transfer from one game to the other, though far from all of them.