1. Have you known the longest?Se7eN, KillEmAll, ninja, snky, nfrs, and all of my other old #tdmpickups friends
2. Do you think is funniest?detox- He's not around anymore, but no one else could consistently make my stomach hurt from laughter. I have fond memories of 2 am pugs with him and PACO on ts, with witty remarks flying back and forth.
3. Do you think has the biggest beard?Cyrax has a pretty beastly one going right now, would bet on him
4. Has a weird pre game ritual, phobia or habit? (And what is it?)Lord Hypnos used to sacrifice roosters, goats, and sometimes horses, also.
http://lordhypnos.ytmnd.com5. Do you think is underrated?flowX! Doesn't frag too hard but consistently a good runner, communicator, and tactician. Awesome person also, who made me extremely happy when he let me join B$C for some clan matches and has a special place in my heart <3
6. Has the most surprising voice on teamspeak?mrgrins surprised me a lot the first time I heard him (it was actually before I'd heard him cast anything). Just has an awesome tonality.
7. Has made you think "Damn." and why?Serenity, he just does insane stuff and he exudes confidence that always impresses me.
8. Used to be/is your UT idol?:sas^bleh- #1 UT99 player overall, period
9. Has provided you with your favourite moment EVER. Screenshots, logs, videos, anecdotes or other content is highly encouraged.sas^bleh- and it's coming out on movie soon ;D
10. Makes you rage the most or is your biggest UT nemesis?TSM used to have this title, but he lost it after chickening out of our match. I'm going to go with blackout now, for all of the deck beatings he's given me over the years. I'm still aiming to give him a close game there someday.
11. Could quite possibly be your long lost biological twin?Se7eN- He brought me to this community and we seemed made to be best friends.
12. Makes you (almost) question your sexuality?snky! Really hope this guy comes to Pitt so we can chill. Another guy who's shown me a lot of kindness over the years, and inspired me to UT success.
13. Makes you instantly want to join a pug?snap- We never get to play together cause I usually only pug way past his bedtime, but he's a perfect defense partner for me. Top top defender in the community, literally never misses a comm, and great attitude also.
14. Has the best irc quote and what is it?<TSM-BLOG> Fishes are good for concentration and focus, before a 1 vs 1 duel you must consult the fishes so they can give you wiseness and relax yourself while you see them swing.
15. Deserves a medal and why?vitrae! Catching cheaters and being a fucking awesome person who is really fun to talk to.
16. Should be Mr(s). July on the OwnedWell calendar?You want this to be the face of the community so PACO if you want a Mr. and HULKSMASH if you want a Mrs.
17. Owns well?PACO- Holy shit I love this guy and I owe so much to him. He's a real inspiration to me, and has somehow always been there for me even though I've been a total asshole to him at times. And that's not even mentioning all he does for this game we love! So many amazing memories thanks to this person, and somehow I believe even bigger and better ones might come in the future
18. Would you like to be for a day?paleface! I could be super handsome, friendly, and Swedish. This guy has been such a great friend to me on irc.
19. Would you most want to see at a meet up?Besides the obvious people I've already mentioned in these answers (PACO, HULKSMASH, paleface, serenity, vitrae, bleh, cyrax, snap, flowX, etc):
exixt - Great friend to me, and he sends me cute puppy videos!
ph34r - Took time out of his day to coach me in 1v1 on irc when he didn't have to, also has given me advice during iCTF drafts.
rain - I'm sure he's as cool as he seems on irc and social media. I picture him like a celebrity at a UT event, wearing big sunglasses and waving to the cameras.
uenz - Dealt with me for 2 iCTF seasons and was always very kind. Gentle person and one of the best team m8s you can have in-game, also.
finalz - Another great pal in and out of game, who is always generous with kind words and encouragement.
d1sc - We have great games together and he's been very kind to me while giving me great UT advice out of his own volition
m3ss - Would love to jam together at a UT lan. We can play some AC/DC maybe
sens - Perfect team m8 and tactician. Strikes me as pretty cool out of the game, too.
fozzel - Sniper m8 <3
sorn - This guy has a good future as a nurse, I've heard he's seeing some irl success, and he did it all on top of his UT achievements. An inspiration and a really chill dude!
senad - Always enjoyed playing with this guy, super colorful personality and seems like he'd be really fun to hang out with
zkyp - Old school weapons player who was always happy to share fun stories about euro UT community with me

Also a cool guy
Xenoscythe - Another guy who took time to encourage me when he didn't have to. Awesome, underrated player as well. One of the best team m8s I can imagine
And so many more- I've been writing this for an hour now, but I never realized before how much positivity (in addition to all the negativity) I've seen during my time here.
20. Have you met up with? (Post pics!)PACO, Banko, xios, gs3k, linoleum, Chowy, buttery, neo, ArC, conx5, kokuei, knell, chubby, defeat, nvz, dc, bdy, fr0zen, facial
With PACO:
(see PACO's post)
With bdy and gs3k:

With gs3k (<3):

With quakecon crew:
21. Deserves this special shout out:HULKSMASH- Fucking awesome person who's always doing great things for the community (like this thread!) and has been extremely kind to me to say the least. I can't say enough good things about HULKSMASH.